13 thoughts on “Living Right-Side Up in an Upside Down World

  1. Thank you so much for posting, I needed an encouraging word sister,. I thought of you a while back and was wondering why I hadn’t seen any posts , your post came at the right time in Gods time,. Thank you again

  2. Thank you for your ministry, Grandma, and thank you for your dedication in making these videos, June! It’s a blessing to hear these insights and words of wisdom delivered with such love. Also incredible to see the Lord bless this ministry. Keep it up, we love you both!

  3. Excellent teaching of His Word! It is IMPOSSIBLE to please God without faith. Faith in Him and His work that He has done and is doing. We forget that ALL circumstances are under His sovereign control and He will use them for His purposes to be accomplished. This mortal life is not the whole story and death is not the end but only the beginning of what He has in store for His children and unfortunately for those who oppose Him as well.

  4. I found this while searching for something else on YouTube and I had to share it. Ms. June, your Mother is such a blessing and treasure. This is wonderful encouragement and wisdom! Thank you (and her) for sharing!

  5. I want to thank you for your fine interpretations of the word of God, I have long wondered about what God wants of me. how I’m going to trust that God really is for real, I have so many years lived without daring to admit that I believe and I trust in God, I have been afraid of being laughed at by people who do not believe. it is not easy to live a life in a country where marioteten of the people are atheists, so even my parents and my husband. but today when I listened to your youtub posts, I started to cry. I felt such a relief that you prayed for “me” … Thank you very much.
    I´m looking forward to seeing more of you.
    Sincerely from
    Bianca-Charotte Edith Rasmussen, from Sweden in Europa.

  6. The Lord has spoken to my heart while watching these videos. Thank you so much for allowing Him to bless others thru your words and your experience in His loving Presence and Truth. Looking forward to enjoying more from Our Precious King. Blessings to you and your family.

  7. Dear Edith, you are such a treasure and I appreciate the time you have taken to share your faith. Watching you gives me much encouragement and strength and I thank you immensely. I love you already from a distance (I’m living in Singapore) but you are very close to my heart. Amanda

  8. Oh my goodness, how I wish you were my very own grandmother teaching and encouraging and praying for me. I wish I could sit at your feet and just soak up everything you have to give. I would even take up drinking coffee if necessary! haha! Thank you so very, very much. Love in Christ, Carolyn

  9. It’s 2:22 am and i just finished watching the third sharing you did! It was wonderful uplifting Truth that encouraged my heart! Thank you for your heart of prayer which has been a great source of inspiration to me to press into the Lord and go deeper with Him and in prayer as well. I, too, have a family prayer notebook but haven’t gotten far in it because of such a huge family and also some serious times of struggle within our family so it seems like those in deepest need are who I target in prayer. I’ve gleaned so much from watching and am excited, strengthened and encouraged to press on, trusting Jesus will strengthen my prayer life! Thank you again!

  10. Dear Edith,
    You don’t know what a blessing you have been to me. Thank you for your kind words of inspiration. Please know that you have made a difference in my life. Your words gave me strength to persevere. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you, as I know He will.

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